Monday, March 22, 2010

Arkansas Hearing Aids Question

Howdy, readers. I have a friend who does hearing aids in Arkansas, in North Little Rock, in fact. He's been doing hearing aids for over 50 years and has a lot of happy customers. I know because many of my clients are in older and use hearing aids. He has a great reputation and I know him personally.

Anyway, we have been talking about how many of our customers might find it advantageous to know that we do actually recommend each other. So we've been thinking about exchanging banners on our two websites.

If you don't think that would be too "commercial" let me know. I just like to pass on information that my customers might find helpful, and Jerry Luker is a great hearing aid specialist in Arkansas. Let me know.

Little Rock Area Wheelchair Ramps

The bright sunshine outside has many of my customers asking if its okay to start work on their Little Rock wheelchair ramps. I work all year round and find that certainly there are some streaks of weather that are just too wet or cold to work in, meaning its impossible to level your wheelchair ramps in 6 inches of slooshy mud!), but otherwise we work all year round. Generally anytime a ramp needs to be built we are able to make it happen. That's why my customers call on me.

Our modular ramps are very quick to install once we have all the pieces together. The biggest issue with modular wheelchair ramp construction is coming up with the exactly right custom layout for your particular needs. Once that is configured the rest can typically be done within a day or two.

Wooden ramps take a bit longer, and don't last as long as the metal modular ramps, but I find that my Little Rock customers occasionally want them instead. The main reason I suggest the modular ramps is that they can be moved from one location to another which is a huge help and cost savings if you decide to relocate.

Anyway, just wanted to take a few minutes and express that this beautiful sunshine just makes me want to get out and get to work for my Little Rock customers building wheelchair ramps. If you are contemplating having this kind of work done, feel free to visit my website for more information. You can find out more at the link above.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Wheel Chair Ramps Little Rock

Do you need wheelchair ramps in Little Rock? I have more than 20 years experience in construction and am a Certified Aging In Place Specialist, which means I know exactly what it will take to make your home accessible to you as you age or if you are disabled. Many think building a wheelchair ramp is easy, but the truth of the matter is that there are many specifications and safety issues that have to be addressed. These sorts of issues are different for every person because each person's situation is different.

That's why we took the time and made the effort to become CAPS certified (Certified Aging In Place). This certification ensures that I know what I'm talking about when I make recommendations for your Little Rock wheelchair ramp project.

If you want to find out more or visit my website please start by visiting my page on Wheelchair Ramps Little Rock.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Wheelchair Ramps Arkansas Residents Should Consider

Arkansas wheelchair accessibility is an issue for those in wheelchairs and their loved ones. There is nothing more frustrating than not being able to get from here to there. Many think throwing up a ramp is easy, but if they’ve actually ever given that a go they quickly found that issues such as angles, width, borders and in some instances regulations play a bigger part than they first thought.

Folding wheelchair ramps are typically lightweight and are very portable and yet still strong and durable. Portable aluminium wheelchair ramps come as a single fold or suitcase design, which means they fold in the centre and have a handle to carry around. When unfolded they span across the obstacle and are approximate thirty inches wide.

A portable wheelchair ramp is the quick and easy accessibility solution. They can be used to access vehicles, navigate curbs and thresholds, and for temporary access into homes. They are designed to be lightweight and compact for easy transport. There are different types of portable wheelchair ramps to suit every need.

Wheelchair ramps in Arkansas come in a wide assortment of designs that are perfect for making steps and curbs accessible, stowing a wheelchair into a vehicle, and in places where there is a requirement to make up for height differences. Miniature ramps can be used to negotiate the threshold without making any structural changes.

There are all types of portable wheelchair ramps available: Folding, Threshold, Telescoping, Van & SUV, Solid, Bariatric or Modular. Yes, modular. You can get a custom designed modular ramp.